A kiwi broadcaster insults Filipinos - RePress


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Wednesday, June 24

A kiwi broadcaster insults Filipinos

Is this another Chip Tsao, a Hongkong Columnist wrote a comment Last March 27 saying that the Philippines has no right to lord over the disputed Spratly Islands because it is "a nation of servants" who shouldn’t “flex your muscles at your master, from whom you earn most of your bread and butter.

Similar event happened in New Zealand a Jokes from one of the Famous Broadcaster of Wellington Classic Hits FM Dave Smart regarding a "Filipino Boy".

Mr. Jun Hernandez filed a formal complained against the broadcaster through their parent company Radio Networks today.

The Letter addressed to Rhys Nimmo and goes like these :


I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding your station's breakfast show this morning. Around 8:45 am this morning (Wednesday 24 June 2009) on our way to work we heard a racist joke from Dave Smart regarding a "filipino boy".

The joke implied that a filipino boy is another term for a servant or slave. He joked further that the Filipino store in Lower Hutt is for sale and filipino boys maybe available in that store to be purchase then taken home as servants.

I will hold off making a formal complaint to the Broadcasting Standard Authority to give you guys a chance to address this issue.

Please reply back to my home email : junh@clear.net. nz
Respectfully your,

Jun Hernandez

Another group of Filipinos called themselves"Wlgnzpinoy" asked their members to support Mr. Hernandez on his conquest to give justice about the jokes made by the Broadcaster.

The Repress contacted the Broadcaster and He said:

"I will leave the details of this for Jun to share with you if he feels the need, for me to talk about with anyone apart from my Managers and him at this stage would be disrespectful to him and I certainly don't want to do that.

I can only say that I feel sad and sorry that I've said something hurtful and I hope I can explain my actions and resolve this with him and anyone else I may have offended''.

On the other hand, The Repress tried to contact The Migrante Aotearoa NZ and Migrant Action Trust for comment but failed.


Unknown said...

I know one sure thing that can get their attention. Boycott the products of the sponsors of that station. Is it 97.4 fm? I am starting right now to listen to this station just to know which products I would boycott. I hope other kiwipinos would join me.

Unknown said...

I checked, the station is 90.0 fm. From now on, I will know which products I will NOT buy.

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