Kiwi Broadcaster make a pulbic apology - RePress


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Tuesday, June 30

Kiwi Broadcaster make a pulbic apology

Here is the apology letter from Kiwi Broadcaster Dave Smart:

28 June 2009
To: Jun Hernandez on behalf of the Filipino Community of Wellington
Via email: nz
Dear Jun,

On Wednesday morning, June 17 at approximately 8.45, I made two inappropriate comments about Filipinos. It is these comments which I am now apologising for.

What I said was thoughtless and I am sorry to have hurt you. My comments had no sinister intent behind them and while clearly race based, most certainly not intended to be racist. I did not use or imply the words slave or servant - and I'm sorry that my words have been taken that way.

Mostly, I am immensely sorry that I have caused pain to your community. I had no idea at the time of broadcast of the history and feelings that these words would bring up.

Since the incident, I've done some research into the issues of human trafficking in the Philippines and I now understand more how these comments have hurt you. We are very lucky and very sheltered here in New Zealand and my ignorance on the subject has proved to be my undoing.

The secondary incident of what I said being replayed on Saturday morning was also regrettable and I am mortified that the audio which was isolated for my Managers to listen to found its way into the
on air log. As a show, we are looking into our systems to ensure that this will never happen again.

Thank you for calling for my actions to be explained. I have learn from you that flippant and insensitive comments on air have far reaching consequences.

Jun, I also want to compliment you on your courteous handling of this situation. In addition to your original letter to my Managers, I have received a lot of correspondence from your supporters and I congratulate you on having such a strong community.

I hope that on receipt of this letter and my on air apology, that we can all move on.

I apologise fully and wholeheartedly.

Kindest regards,

Dave Smart | Breakfast Host | Classic Hits 90FM | Wellington

or Click here to listen Dave Smart apology

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