Migrante Aotearoa Calls on Ph, NZ Authorities to Probe English Language Scheme Luring Filipino Nurses to New Zealand - RePress


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Thursday, March 24

Migrante Aotearoa Calls on Ph, NZ Authorities to Probe English Language Scheme Luring Filipino Nurses to New Zealand

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Migrante Aotearoa Calls on Ph, NZ Authorities to Probe English Language Scheme Luring Filipino Nurses to New Zealand

As Filipinos mourn the tragic death of Filipino nurses who were studying English at the King’s College in Christchurch, Migrante Aotearoa New Zealand, an organisation of Filipino migrants in New Zealand, calls the attention of Philippine and New Zealand authorities to probe into the scheme of various recruitment agencies that entice Filipino nurses with the promise that studying English in New Zealand gives them better chances to meet the level of English proficiency required by the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ).

In its advisory “Filipino Nurses Beware of English Language Scheme as Pathway to Become a New Zealand Registered Nurse,” Migrante Aotearoa notes the grievances of Filipino nurses who shared their frustrations about the deceptive English language scheme that brought them to New Zealand .

In the first place, the nurses trapped in the quake-devastated building in Christchurch would not have been there if they have not been lured to study English in New Zealand by recruitment agencies working in partnership with language schools such as King’s College.  

In its website, Global Summit Consultancy and Assistance Services Inc notes in a video “Nursing Migration Pathway” that even though doors in Australia, Canada and other countries have been closed for most nurses, “a window has been opened, especially for those who are seeking permanent migration in New Zealand …”

It describes the English Language Nursing Registration Program as an alternative pathway to become a New Zealand registered nurse through a 26-week comprehensive training of English language designed for overseas nurses to meet the desired level of NCNZ. It adds that nurses may take part time job up to 20 hours a week as healthcare assistants in various nursing or rest homes in NZ. (http://globalsummitconsultancy.webs.com/apps/videos/videos/show/7652071-nursing-migration-pathway)

With the English scheme going on for many years now, the tragic death of Filipino nurses studying at the King’s College should serve as a red alert for all nurses considering to take such pathway.

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