The Chair of the Justice and Electoral Committee, Chester Borrows, advises that the committee has called for submissions on the above bill. The committee has invited submissions from specific interested parties, and has also opened the bill for public submissions.
Submissions can be made through the Parliament website at Submissions can be made until 12.00am (midnight) tonight, Wednesday, 28 September 2011.
The committee will hear from invited parties at its meeting this morning, and will hear oral submissions from interested members of the public and interest groups later tonight. These hearings will take place in Select Committee meeting rooms 1 and 2, on the ground floor of Bowen House, in public session.
Members of the public who want to give evidence at the public hearing are asked to be present at Bowen House between 7.00pm and 8.00pm. Written submissions do not need to have been made beforehand, but submitters are welcome to make a submission through the Parliament website, or to bring a written submission with them if they wish.
“While this isn’t our usual process for hearing submissions,” the Chairperson said, “we want to give the public an opportunity to appear before us. We know this is very short notice, but we hope to give submitters a few minutes to make key points and take some questions from the committee.”
Submissions will be public and are published on the Parliament website. For further guidance on making a written submission, read our publication Making a submission to a Parliamentary Select Committee on our website or contact us at
04 817 9520.
Address for correspondence: Justice and Electoral Committee, Parliament Buildings, WELLINGTON 6160.