Poroporoaki ki a Parekura Horomia - RePress


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Monday, April 29

Poroporoaki ki a Parekura Horomia

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It is with great sadness that the Green Party acknowledges the passing of Hon Parekura Horomia today.

“I am deeply saddened to hear this terrible news of Parekura passing this evening. I’m still reeling from this hard news, said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.

“On behalf of the Green Party I would like to send all our aroha, thoughts and prayers to the whanau of Parekura, and to Ngati Porou, Ngati Kahungunu, Te Aitangi Hauti, Ngai Tahu, and our colleagues in the Labour Party.

“Parekura worked hard for his people, for the Labour Party and for New Zealand. I want to acknowledge and tautoko his work and his commitment. I want to send my respect and acknowledgment to his whanau for all that he and they gave up so that he could do this mahi.

“I want to acknowledge the pain and grief of my colleagues in the Labour Party. I know they will be hurting now, they have lost a key member of their family, someone they have spent so much time with over the last 13 years. I feel for them now, my heart goes out to them; I know that all the Green Party will be thinking of them and Parekura’s whanau tonight.

“Our country is a lesser place for his passing but his legacy will be remembered. His achievements like the creation of Maori television will live on, said Mrs Turei.

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