The Commonwealth Bank has activated its special emergency assistance package for customers and businesses affected by the bushfires in New South Wales.
The Bank has also advised that its branches in Springwood, Westfield Penrith, Kotara and Charlestown will be open to assist customers affected by the fires from 9.30 am Saturday, 19 October 2013.
Special arrangements are in place to provide support to our Commonwealth Bank and CommInsure customers should they need it, and our staff are ready to assist them promptly with their financial concerns and enquiries.
There are a number of options available as part of the Bank’s special assistance package, not limited to:
For customers who have their home insured through CommInsure and their customers’ homes have been damaged by the fire, emergency accommodation assistance is available.
Providing tailored solutions and assistance to Commonwealth Bank home loan, credit card and personal loan customers who may experience difficulties because of the fires;
loan restructuring for business customers with existing loans, without incurring the usual bank establishment fees;
considering requests for additional loans (including emergency credit limit increases) where, based on our enquiries, the customer could meet the additional repayments without financial difficulty;
expediting claims to CommInsure for customers seeking help through their home, contents and motor vehicle insurance;
waiving prepayment charges over the next month for affected customers wishing to access term deposits and Commonwealth Investment Bonds ahead of the maturity date and;
waiving branch service fees where the customer is looking to obtain a service from the Bank as a result of the disaster.
Our staff will be happy to discuss with customers their overall financial position, any change in repayment arrangements, or to consider options for additional loan funds. We understand that each customer will have different needs and we encourage our affected customers to discuss their individual circumstances with us by phoning: 1300 720 814.