Fonterra needs to set the record straight , say Greens - RePress


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Thursday, January 29

Fonterra needs to set the record straight , say Greens

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley today called on Fonterra to help set the record straight on the Chinese milk contamination scandal.

She wants Fonterra to release the minutes of a telephone conversation which the New Zealand dairy company says confirm its directors advised San Lu that there was no safe level of melamine contamination in milk.

The minutes have become pivotal in the scandal because San Lu Chief Executive Tian Wenhua claims a Fonterra director gave her documents which suggested that Fonterra approved a level of melamine in baby milk formula sold in China.

Ms Kedgley says Fonterra’s credibility is on the line with the new allegations by Tian Wenhua, and it would be wise for Fonterra to be open and transparent and rebut these allegations by releasing the minutes.

"Fonterra is our biggest exporter and it is critical for its international reputation that the dairy company front up with evidence to dispel any doubts about its business practices in China.

"If the minutes of the recorded conversation demonstrate – as Fonterra claims – that Fonterra was adamant it was totally unacceptable to sell milk with any level of melamine contamination in it, this will help set the record straight.

"Clearly, if this is the case, then Fonterra has nothing to hide, and should release the minutes immediately."

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