Government employment changes will hit workers hard - RePress


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Thursday, March 31

Government employment changes will hit workers hard

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Workplace relations will be tipped even more in favour of employers from tomorrow, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.

Tomorrow, the Government's new industrial relations laws come into effect. These include extending the ability to dismiss workers in the first 90 days of employment to all workplaces, restricting union access, and allowing employers to require a sick note from a doctor after one day off work

"From tomorrow, workers can be sacked for virtually no reason with no right of redress in their first 90 days," said Mr Locke.

"The Government argues this brings more certainty to the workplace. They are right. From tomorrow new employees can be certain they have no job security.

"These changes will see us fall further and further behind Australia in wage growth," said Mr Locke.

"It will be harder to campaign for higher wages, with union officials finding it difficult to get on-site, and newer members scared of being turfed out of their jobs in the first three months.

"We are also likely to see more and more stagnation in the current job market with people unwilling to risk moving from one employer to another, in case they don't make it through the first 90 days."

Mr Locke also pointed out that the changes around visiting a doctor while sick would be unfair, costly, and unworkable. Last year the Green

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