POLICE released the name of Tornado victim - RePress


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Wednesday, May 4

POLICE released the name of Tornado victim

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North Shore Police have released the name of the man who died when a tornado struck suburban Albany yesterday afternoon.

In a statement, Kevin [Kev] Loughlin of Communications Manager & Media Advisor
Waitematä Police District Headquarters , He Identified the victim as Benedict DACAYAN,37 years old of North Shore

Police say the construction worker was working at the old Placemakers building in Albany when the tornado hit and died at the scene.

Witnesses say he was was working in a portacom building that was hurled into a concrete car park.

Dacayan leaves behind an 11-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter.

Student nurse Sophie Bondabout how she desperately tried to keep Dacayan alive.

The death has been referred to the coroner.
The tornado reached speeds of 200km/h lifting cars into the air, uprooting trees and flinging roofing iron.

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